“It is a hemorrhagic nodule”

Site:  Gingiva (most common), can be found on any surface

Cause: Chronic irritation – calculus, food materials, overhanging restoration

Clinical features:

  • Hemorrhagic, friable, and frequently ulcerated
  • Pus is not present – if present, it may be a sinus tract due to underlying periodontal or periapical abscess. The opening of this tract is covered by a nodule of granulation tissue called “parulis”

Histological features:

  • Proliferating endothelial cells which are canalized into a rich vascular network with minimal collagenous support.
  • Neutrophils and chronic inflammatory cells

Differential diagnosis:

  • Hemangioma – differentiated histologically
  • In association with Florid gingivitis and periodontitis that complicate pregnancy (same clinical and histological features)– occur at the end of pregnancy when circulating estrogens are high and shrink after delivery.
  • Pyogenic ranulomas and pregnancy epulides – mature—less vascularised + more collagenous—fibrous epulides.

Treatment: Lesion to be excised and local irritants eliminated.

Prognosis:  Tendency to recur if irritant is not removed.

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